A Fully Collaborative, Noteless Electronic Medical Record Designed to Minimize Information Chaos: Software Design and Feasibility Study

Authors: Jackson Steinkamp, Abhinav Sharma, Wasif Bala, and Jacob Kantrowitz

Published: September 2021

Journal: JMIR Formative Research



Clinicians spend large amounts of their workday using electronic medical records (EMRs). Poorly designed documentation systems contribute to the proliferation of out-of-date information, increased time spent on medical records, clinician burnout, and medical errors. Beyond software interfaces, examining the underlying paradigms and organizational structures for clinical information may provide insights into ways to improve documentation systems. In particular, our attachment to the note as the major organizational unit for storing unstructured medical data may be a cause of many of the problems with modern clinical documentation. Notes, as currently understood, systematically incentivize information duplication and information scattering, both within a single clinician’s notes over time and across multiple clinicians’ notes. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore alternative paradigms for unstructured data organization.


The aim of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of building an EMR that does not use notes as the core organizational unit for unstructured data and which is designed specifically to disincentivize information duplication and information scattering.


We used specific design principles to minimize the incentive for users to duplicate and scatter information. By default, the majority of a patient’s medical history remains the same over time, so users should not have to redocument that information. Clinicians on different teams or services mostly share the same medical information, so all data should be collaboratively shared across teams and services (while still allowing for disagreement and nuance). In all cases where a clinician must state that information has remained the same, they should be able to attest to the information without redocumenting it. We designed and built a web-based EMR based on these design principles.


We built a medical documentation system that does not use notes and instead treats the chart as a single, dynamically updating, and fully collaborative workspace. All information is organized by clinical topic or problem. Version history functionality is used to enable granular tracking of changes over time. Our system is highly customizable to individual workflows and enables each individual user to decide which data should be structured and which should be unstructured, enabling individuals to leverage the advantages of structured templating and clinical decision support as desired without requiring programming knowledge. The system is designed to facilitate real-time, fully collaborative documentation and communication among multiple clinicians.


We demonstrated the feasibility of building a non–note-based, fully collaborative EMR system. Our attachment to the note as the only possible atomic unit of unstructured medical data should be reevaluated, and alternative models should be considered.


Prevalence and Sources of Duplicate Information in the Electronic Medical Record


Beyond Notes: Why It Is Time to Abandon an Outdated Documentation Paradigm