The Danger of Pre-Templated Information in Medical Records

Copying and pasting or using pre-filled templates for these key parts of the medical record not only undermines patient-centered care but also increases the risk of incorrect treatments, misdiagnoses, or incomplete assessments.

In today’s fast-paced medical environment, efficiency is critical. Pre-templated medical information has become a common tool to speed up documentation. At first glance, templates for medical plans, physical exams, or patient histories might seem like the perfect solution to lighten the workload for busy clinicians. However, there is a hidden danger in relying too heavily on these templates: they don’t adapt to the nuanced realities of each patient encounter.

Why Pre-Templated Data is Risky

Templates are inherently rigid. They offer structured, pre-filled options that may streamline workflows, but this comes at the cost of flexibility and accuracy. For example, a pre-templated exam might suggest that a physical examination was performed in full, even if only a partial exam was conducted based on the patient’s needs. This can lead to discrepancies between what was documented and what actually occurred. The overuse of templated information can also obscure critical patient-specific findings, missing out on the uniqueness of each encounter and even leading to errors in patient care.

This issue becomes more concerning when templates are used for medical plans or patient histories. Each patient’s story is unique, as are their treatment needs. Copying and pasting or using pre-filled templates for these key parts of the medical record not only undermines patient-centered care but also increases the risk of incorrect treatments, misdiagnoses, or incomplete assessments.

How Might We Solve This Problem with Modern Technology?

As healthcare continues to evolve, so too must the ways we document it. The question of how to solve the limitations of pre-templated information invites us to think about how we can use technology to bring flexibility, accuracy, and personalization back to medical records. One of the most promising advancements in recent years has been the development of large language models (LLMs), which offer new possibilities in clinical documentation.

LLMs possess an ability to process vast amounts of text, extract meaning, and contextualize information in ways that static templates never could. These models can be trained to listen to patient encounters and generate documentation that is tailored to the specific nuances of the conversation, ensuring that every word reflects the actual interaction, not a generic template.

Philosophically, this represents a shift from a mechanical, template-driven approach to a more dynamic, human-centered one. With the help of these models, we can move toward documentation that is not only more accurate but also more reflective of the individuality of each patient encounter. It allows for the creation of medical records that live and breathe with the complexities of real-world medicine.

Rather than relying on pre-determined structures, LLMs offer the possibility of capturing the variability and richness of clinical encounters. They can help ensure that the record evolves alongside the patient’s needs, creating a more responsive and adaptive documentation system. This could transform the way clinicians interact with medical records, enabling them to focus more on the patient and less on fitting their documentation into rigid boxes.

The Balance Between Efficiency and Precision

In the push to make healthcare more efficient, we must remember that not all efficiencies serve the patient. Pre-templated information might save time, but it risks losing the essence of personalized care. LLMs, while not a silver bullet, provide a pathway to a more balanced approach—one that acknowledges the need for efficiency without sacrificing the quality and specificity of patient care.

The broader question we must ask ourselves is how we can use emerging technologies like LLMs to serve the heart of medicine: the patient-clinician relationship. If we’re successful, we can create systems that not only document encounters but also enhance them, allowing the medical record to become a true reflection of the patient’s journey.


The Future of Live Documentation - Addressing the Growing Problem of Medical Documentation Overload


Part 1: The Note, A Relic of the Paper Era