Talk to your Patients, not the Computer

I love my job. I enjoy being a physician, particularly a primary care physician. Primary care is inherently a customer service profession, and a significant aspect of any customer service role is communication. Communication, when utilized correctly, has the potential to transform not only an individual's life but also entire communities. As medical professionals, the ability to integrate effective communication with the complexities of medical pathology is clinically significant and academically stimulating and fulfilling. This dual challenge of engaging with patients while addressing complex medical issues is a major reason why we chose the medical profession in the first place.

I love talking with my patients. I relish the opportunity to sit with them, listen to their concerns, and respond with empathy. Giving patients the attention they deserve is therapeutic. In many ways, providing this kind of therapy ensures that we are genuinely fulfilling our roles as healthcare providers. Additionally, this approach enhances efficiency within the medical system—less time is wasted on repeated conversations, there is greater trust between patient and physician, fewer unnecessary tests are ordered, and medical care becomes more precise and effective.

However, current medical care models and the excessive time spent behind computers during and after patient visits detract from this vital component of medical care. We end up listening less and observing less.

A significant portion of communication is conveyed through body language, and when we are typing, we lose out on this essential form of interaction. This can even be detrimental to the quality of care we provide. This is why I appreciate Stream, our flagship product. It’s a seamless and effective tool that significantly reduces the time I spend on documentation during and after patient encounters. Stream automates the documentation process using ambient AI technology. Once the documentation is created, it automatically organizes it for better chart review, task management, and downstream analytics of patient data.

With Stream, we can allocate more of our visit time to what truly matters—communicating with our patients. This means we can focus on understanding their needs, addressing their concerns, and providing the empathetic care they deserve. Stream allows us to maintain the crucial human connection that is at the heart of effective medical care. It helps us ensure that our patients feel heard and valued, which is fundamental to their overall well-being and our satisfaction as healthcare providers. This is the future of healthcare, where technology and empathy go hand in hand, making our roles not only more efficient but also more meaningful.


Redefining Ambient Clinical Intelligence


“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”